篇1:英语广播稿you have confedent
you have lucky
i can give you my hope
you know
you have a dream
to help me hope
with anything
you can break the destnation
you can reach the goal
and you can do it well
go for it
nothing is impossible
篇2:英语广播稿Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to listen to our English broadcast.同学们,大家好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,
We are from Class One, Grade Five. Im ImNice to meet you .我们是你们的.朋友,很高兴在这里和你度过快乐的10分钟。
在今天的节目里首先进入我们的第一个版块Say you, say me.说你,说我。
A. Do you know body language?
B. Of course!不就是肢体语言嘛。
A. Yes。那么你知不知道在一些说英语的国家人们常用一些手势来表达特定的意思呢?
B. One, cash:右手的大拇指.食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势。
A. Two, use your brain:用手指点点自己的太阳穴,就表示要动动脑筋。
B. Three, fool:用大拇指按住鼻尖摇动其余四指,或十个手指分开。也常常用食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,表示所谈到的人是个痴呆傻瓜。
A. Four, lying: 讲话时,无意识地将一食指放在鼻子下面或鼻子边时,表示别人一定会理解为讲话人讲的不是真话难以置信。 B. Five, agreement:向上翘起拇指,则表示赞同。
A. Six, congratulation:双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作表示对别人的祝贺。
B. Seven, thats all:两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出,这个动作表示没有希望了,完了。
A. Eight, shame:双臂伸直,向下交叉,两掌反握,同时脸转向一侧,这是一个表达害羞的动作。
B. Nine, greeting:英语国家的人在路上打招呼,常常要拿帽子表示致意。现一般已简化为抬一下帽子,甚至只是摸一下帽沿。
A. Ten, pity:头摇来摇去,同里嘴里发出咂咂之声,嘴里还说thats too bad.或sorry to hear it.这是英语国家的人表达怜悯和同情的方式
篇3:英语广播稿G1: Hello, boys and girls. Today is Tuesday. Welcome to listen to Our English broadcast. I’m ShiYaping. I’m from Class 2, Grade 6. My friends, SunGuangwen and LiPing are sitting near me. Let them say hello to everyone.
B: Hello, everyone! I’m SunGuangwen.
G2: Hi, boys and girls! I’m LiPing. We hope you’ll enjoy today’s English broadcast.
B: 同学们,欢迎收听今天的英语广播,希望你们能够享受今天的节目内容。
G1:First we prepared two tongue twisters for you, Let our mouth do some exercise.
B:人们饮酒过多,说起话来舌头打卷。因此,英国警察曾让司机跟读下面的绕口令,以检查其是否饮酒过量。Listen to me carefully. Walter was wailing, worrying and watching the wet weather and the wet wind. (第一遍读慢点)
G2: Boys and girls, can you say it? Ok, follow me again!
Walter was wailing, worrying and watching the wet weather and the wet wind. (读慢)
G1:Hi, my friends, can you say it quickly? 同学们,你们能很快地流利地说出这则绕口令吗?Please let’s say it together . We must say it quickly. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
Walter was wailing, worrying and watching the wet weather and the wet wind.(快速)
B: You’re very good. 据说绕口令可以医治打嗝。当你打嗝时,一口气把“吹笛的彼得”(Peter Piper)这个绕口令读下来,打嗝就会停止。
G2: Sorry, I don’t know.
B: 让我们赶快把这个有趣的绕口令交给大家。
G1: All right. Boys and girls, Listen to me carefully and follow me, please. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled pep ……此处隐藏1490个字……our telephone number?
a: what’s your telephone number?
b: it’s 85330555.
a: it’s 85330555.
b: what’s the time?
a: what’s the time?
b: it’s 2:10.
a: it’s 2:10.
b: what time is it?
a: what time is it?
b: it’s 10 past 2.
a: it’s 10 past 2.
b:every good!
funny english
a:now, it’s time for funny english.
b:今天的funny english为同学们带来了一些含有动物单词的习语。
b:对,现在让我来考考大家。he eats like a bird.是什么意思呢?
a:he eats like a bird.啊,他吃得象鸟?
b:哈哈,不对不对!he eats like a bird.是说“他吃得很少”!
a:哦,原来如此。那我也来考考你:she is always as busy as a bee.是什么意思?
a:对了,再问你一个难的。every dog has his day.
b:every dog has his day. let me see.让我想一想。sorry,i don’t know .
a:every dog has his day.这句话的意思是“凡人都有得意之日”!
b:我还知道一个:he is a black sheep.
b:哈哈,错啦。这里的black sheep是一个贬义词。he is a black sheep.的意思是“他是个败家子”。
b:i agree with you.
charming music
a:now, it’s time for charming music。接下来是魅力音乐时间。
a:happy time always flies fast.快乐的时光总是短暂的。
b:it’s time to say goodbye. and s o much for today’s colourful english.今天的七彩英语到这里又要与大家说再见了。
a:thank you for your listening.感谢大家的收听。
b:see you next monday.让我们一起期待下周一的再会。goodbye!
a:see you!
篇10:英语广播稿ab:good afternoon, everyone.
a: i am xxx
b: i am xxx
b:mouth嘴巴。a big mouth.大嘴巴。
a:do you have a big mouth?你是大嘴巴吗?
b:no。不是的。big mouth大嘴巴,是多嘴的意思
a:老师都不喜欢上课大嘴巴的同学,所以我们都不要have a big mouth.
b: i don’t have a big mouth.我不是大嘴巴。i am the eyes’ of my father.
a: i see. the eyes’ of my father.爸爸的掌上明珠。
b:yes,i am the eyes’ of my father.我是爸爸的掌上明珠。
a: i am the eyes’ of my mother.我是妈妈的掌上明珠
ab:good afternoon, everyone.
a: i am xxx
b: i am xxx欢迎大家收听我们的英语abc节目。
b:上次我们学习了mouth嘴巴,a big mouth大嘴巴。
a:of course.当然知道
a:i am all ears.我洗耳恭听。
a:yes.i am all ears.我洗耳恭听。现在到你告诉我隔墙有耳的英语怎么说。
b:wall墙。 walls have ears隔墙有耳。
a:我现在知道了。i am all ears.我洗耳恭听。walls have ears隔墙有耳
a: i amxxx
b: i amxxx欢迎大家收听我们的英语abc节目。
b:我们学习的是hand in hand.
a:hand手hand in hand手牵手。
b:yes, i go to school with my sister hand in hand.
b:great.我们还学过手臂arm. arm in arm
a: arm in arm手挽手。
b:hand in hand手牵手arm in arm手挽手这些都是很亲密的接触。
a:我还知道一个shoulder to shoulder
b: i see. shoulder肩膀shoulder to shoulder就是肩并肩的意思。