*a speech on the party
my fellow soldiers and students,
new spring festival is coming to us with no more than ten days. before the festival comes, let me, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers present, express our sincere thanks to the teachers and students here who just gave us wonderful performance full of profound sentiments of friendship. the teachers and students from our cooperative unit: no 29 middle school of jilin city is together with us as our relatives. they brought us special gifts.
the students who performed today on the stage seem to be as old as our soldiers are. but your performance filled with skillful and profound sentiments of friendship touched and attracted our younger officers and soldiers. your performance enhances the festival atmosphere at the military camp. your performance comforts our soldiers who miss the parents and relatives. your performance strengthens our soldiers resolve to defense our motherland and her boundaries.
i am terribly sorry to say that we have not enough soldiers to take the seats here today. but what excites us is that the special place is full of singing and laughing and full of atmosphere of good healthy, unity, happiness. the singing and laughing shows our mutual belief and support! the friendship between us is as close as fish and water! with these entire atmosphere, singing and laughing, i believe the difficulty beaten us in managing school and in entering school will be overcome. with all these we will have the unselfish support for the army and the tradition of love of people will bring to greater height of development.
to end my speech, i would like to suggest a warm applause to the teachers and students on the stage. may the applause resemble the magnificent results of the cooperative establishment between us. may the applause bring happiness fruit of the cooperative establishment between us. at the same time may the teachers and students make greater progress in teaching and learning! and happy new year to all of you! thank you all!
圣诞平安夜,有你更精彩!(这句话,请你们的老师去译成英语, 先用英语说一遍,再用汉语说一次。)欢迎参加由李阳疯狂英语培训学校主办,步步高电子、金福音乐协办的“欢乐平安夜、疯狂英语秀”圣诞晚会。
特别是近十年来,李阳为了实现他的目标 “让三亿中国人讲一口流利的英语”,他所创办的疯狂英语培训学校,作为全国连锁机构、以突出英语教学成就,多次被(什么权威机构,如国家教育部?)授予“最具影响力的外语培训机构”,成为了国内最富盛名的著名英语教育品牌,给许多学习英语的中国人带来了全新英语学习理念与深刻的影响。
a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。各位家长、各位同学: 半年来,我们启用了最优的师资组合,最好的教学设施,我们不断地听到了很多同学进步成长的好消息,他们中有的英语成绩在一步步提升,有些同学由过去的很差到及格,直至现在的优良,之中我们听到了家长们由衷的鼓励和赞赏的声音,这让我们看到了希望的曙光,更对我们的事业的发展充满了信心!
但我们也很清醒地看到,在这里,有一部分同学在所吸取的养分在短时期内可能还没有发挥效用,或没有直接在分数上表现出来。但是我们相信failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。事实上,任何一项学习活动,包括英语的学习,英语人才的培养是需要一个过程,既然我们肩负家长的嘱托,我们就会勇于担当我们的责任,请相信我们,为了你孩子的进步,我们会加倍努力,因材施教,对您的孩子将进行更为细致与科学的指导,直至您对我们工作满意为止。
no best。only better。我们恳请家长们给我们时间,我们相信在各位老师和同学的努力下,在各位家长的一如继往的信任与支持与关爱下,我们就会在恩施深深的扎根,开花,结果,丰收的季节就在眼前!
who seize the right moment, is the right man. – goethe(谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 -- 歌德)最后,今天的晚会圣诞老人还给大家准备了一份意外的惊喜,我们还将在这里,举行现场抽奖活动,祝大家圣诞快乐!merry christmas!更祝大家在新的一年好运连连,平安、健康、幸福!
中国梦·我的梦—《复兴中华,从我做起》(小编推荐你关注好范文 网www.)演讲比赛致辞
distinguished guests
ladies and gentlemen
first of all, allow me please, on behalf of chongqing university, to extend the warmest welcome to all of your overseas students. we are really delighted to receive you talented and creative students. welcome to chongqing, welcome to china.
to most of you, it must be the first time coming to china, so i would like to introduce china to all of you in brief.
china is a very big country with five thousand years history, since 1400 years ago, tang dynasty, the monk xuanzang crossed the ocean to japan, not for business, but for the culture spread, and in qing dynasty, the westernization movement started the history of sending students aboard. we cherished those revolutions and considered them as mutual benefit.
on today’s stage, we are pluralist, we are more and more open, and we always pay close attention to all the cultures and the exchange programs, you are our guests from the world and we’ll make every endeavor to help you, people here are quite warm and easy-going, so you can view chongqing as your second homeland.
telling the truth, you may feel curious about china,because this is a new place and country for you, however, never forget what brings you here. never overlook your study, just like the old saying goes that, ‘good beginning is half of the battle’, a good beginning is quite necessary, only the true skills and genuine knowledge will lead you success. and life is always filled with setbacks and misunderstandings, those will surely disappoint you, but never give up, be positive and show yourself, tell us how excellent you could be by your actions.
what’s more, i also hope you could have more experience during part time, enjoy the enthusiasm of chinese friends, enjoy the charm of traditional food, and enjoy the interests of local language. don’t forget to bring some new methods to your chinese friends too, each of you is unique, your classmates are look forward to your own stories.
i’m certain that these days will become one part of your most valuable memories, wish you best time here!
thank you!